That cucumber is about 3 inches long. Isn’t it amazing how perfect it is? I mean, it’s a whole cucumber, just … little! It’s all right there, just waiting…
Then I noticed that one of the plants isn’t doing so well... In fact, it was that plant with the cute little 1 cm cucumbers that I showed you a couple of days ago. I bent down to examine it and noticed that something has eaten through some of the stems. It was just like that Bible story where Jonah was sitting under a vine and the worm ate the vine! I’ve always wondered how one little worm could kill a plant overnight… well, now I know. If the stem is destroyed of course the nutrients can’t get to the rest of the plant and the plant withers up and dies and (most importantly to me) that means… no cucumbers. When I was looking at it, I even found the little bugger who is responsible: A squash bug! I tried to take a picture of him, but he blends in so well and moves too fast for my photographic abilities. Well, where there’s one nasty bug, I’m willing to bet there’s more. Anyway, Papa the farmer told me that after you squish a squash bug, it smells like bubblegum… Personally, I am too squeamish to test this theory, so I won’t tell you how I know this, but you know what? It’s true! It really does smell like bubblegum! At first I wondered, “Why would God create a little bug who comes along and kills your plants, and then smells like bubblegum after you squish it?” But I guess the real question here is, “Who came along, squished a squash bug and thought to himself, ‘Hey, I know! Let’s make a sticky substance for people to walk around chewing just like they’re eating, except they’re not really eating… and let’s make it smell just like a squished squash bug!”
Who thought that up?