Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our New Friend!

Well, our computer is not working correctly and I can't add photos to my blog posts right now.  To me, pictures are the best part of a blog post!  I could tell you about the skunk that showed up yesterday and was walking around our property, trying to climb in the sandbox.  And I could tell you about how we chased him trying to get a great picture (which was pointless, since I can't even post it!).  I could also tell you about the children's plan  to just let the dog loose so that he could scare the skunk away and my visions of all of us (including the dog!) in sharing a tomato-juice shower if that had happened.  But all that just isn't the same if I can't include a picture.

So that's why my blog posts have been few and far between lately.

But there is one thing I can still write about.  My little farmhands have a new friend!  Avery is a little girl who is the same age as my little Farmhands but she has spent her entire life in and out of the hospital.  She has lots of medical issues but the saddest part of her story is that her immune system is so compromised that she can't be around other children.  Well, maybe she can't come over to visit, but she can receive mail!  And my little farmhands are having lots of fun drawing pictures for her!

I love this picture of Avery!  Doesn't she look like just the kind of girl who would like to be friends with little farmhands?

Avery looks great in this picture, but the reality is that she's not doing very well right now.  She is in the Intensive Care Unit right now with various medical issues and needs prayer!  Please take a few moments to visit her website. You can see a video of her story here and read her parents' online journal here.  And please pray for Avery!


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