Tuesday, May 3, 2011

31 Days to Clean ebook Review

The day that Papa the then-software engineer came home and said, “You know what I really want to do with my life?” was a defining moment in our lives.  Now it has been almost a year that we have been pursing his dream and I can say with certainty that this has been a good change in many ways.

Well, do you know what I really want to do with my life?  (hint:  It’s not farming!)  I want to spend more time playing with my children… enjoying them while they are still little.  But sometimes I feel like there is just so much to do that I can’t take the time to stop and play. 


Enter Sarah Mae.  She has written a new ebook called “31 Days to Clean.”  Now between you and I, I’m pretty sure I could keep this house clean if I didn’t have children running around behind me messing it up.  There are 3 of them and only 1 of me and any one of them has infinitely more energy than I’ve got.  Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed and exhausted.  So honestly, when I saw this book I thought to myself, “Hmmm… Another ebook about cleaning.”  But there’s a great challenge going on over at JoyfulMothering.net and I always clean better when I know that there are other people “out there” cleaning with me.  So I signed up. 

Wow.  Wow.  Wow.  This book is just what I need!  It’s all about finding a balance between having a clean and tidy “Martha”-type house, while still having a “Mary”-type attitude.  It recognizes just how very exhausted we mommies can be sometimes and it covers topics that really relate to a mother’s daily life.  Each day’s entry is short and to the point and is followed by two challenges:  the “Mary” challenge is something to bless your heart and the “Martha” challenge is a specific cleaning task.

Sarah Mae gave me permission to let you peek at the table of contents, so you can see for yourself what you think!



Now maybe you’re never overwhelmed and exhausted, maybe you love to clean and you have a cleaning schedule all worked out (that you actually stick to!).  Perhaps you never get overwhelmed with laundry, your house is perfectly decluttered and organized and you’ve found a way to balance it all  But for the rest of us, I strongly recommend heading over to 31DaysToClean.com and purchasing your pdf copy of this ebook (or buy it for Kindle at Amazon) for only $4.99.  Then be sure to head on over to JoyfulMothering.net to join in the challenge!


  1. I just saw your link on the 31 days site. Keep it up. ps. we live in north texas too.

  2. I am doing the 31 Days to Clean challenge too! I love it so far!

  3. Heather - I'm glad you're enjoying the challenges too! I love that she is very low-key and there's no guilt if life gets in the way! Louanne... If you ever want to stop by, we love visitors! Blue Ridge is just a little east of McKinney.
