Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Handyman for Hire!

I’ve been meaning to show these signs for a while now…  Obviously we aren’t at the point that we can live off the farm, so Papa the Farmer has to have a day job…  He can’t get the farm going if he’s commuting 2+ hours each day to a software job, SO…..


he has opened his own handyman business called “1 Man & A Toolbox”!  (edit:  We ended up changing the name of the business after this post was written)  His signs came in a few weeks ago.  (As his proud wife, I must brag that he designed them himself!  Didn’t he do a great job?)  They really jump out at you when you drive by.


Last year we took “Financial Peace University” (The Dave Ramsey course in Personal Finance) and loved it.  We are totally committed to running the farm and the business 100% free from debt.  So, that makes Papa the Farmer a rather unusual business owner!  Other guys in construction and handyman-type work around here have big fancy flashy trucks (presumably with big fancy monthly payments).  We have chosen a different route.

Here’s a peek at Papa the Farmer’s “business vehicle”:


Yes, it’s his commuter car from his software days, and yes, it would be wonderful if he had a utility van, but you know what?  It’s paid for!  =)  Anyway, I have to tell you, I love this little car!  We would have driven it much longer, but when we had a third baby the only way to fit all 3 carseats in the back was to leave the back doors open.  That won’t work!  So it became Papa the Farmer’s!  I call it the “Mary Poppins Car.”  If Mary Poppins drove a car, it would be this car!  Remember her carpet bag and how she could pull everything out of that carpet bag?  Well, this car is like that!  It’s amazing what a handyman can fit in this teeny tiny car!  We never quite know what is going to come home in (or on!) that car!

(That’s “Tuggy” – the Tugboat Sandbox, in case you’re wondering!  Tuggy is good advertising.  Several people look twice when Tuggy is riding up top!) LOL!


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